Therapeutic Rambling

This is an attempt to make sense of my life and order of my cluttered mind. It is also intended to be a journal of no particular interest to anyone, a record of events and non-events that occur in my life.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Ok, I admit it, it's my fault. I am sorry.

I put away the winter hats and other gear. So the blizzard is my fault. And the cold snap, too, which apparently might save some parts of Fargo from being flooded, so maybe karma is a little more forgiving than, say, my friends and family.

Another thing I am sorry for is the giant black stain on the floor of the office next to mine. The stupid f*&@$%g printer that we use decided it was out of toner 5 minutes before I needed 30 copies for a meeting I was chairing. It was not out of toner, and we don't have any more anyway. So, like any self-respecting administrator with budget constraints, I took the toner cartridge out to shake it. That gave me exactly three copies. So I took it out to shake it again, and this time, the little plug on the end flew off, and bathed the entire office in fine, black dust. Thankfully I was alone, because I'm sure it would have been absolutely indelible if it came in contact with anyone watching, who would surely laugh so hard as to render themselves incontinent.

I called my admin assistant, who works clear across the hospital, to tell her what happened. Between coughing up black snot and wiping away sooty tears of laughter, I'm sure she thought I was insane. She said she would call housekeeping. I said thank you and backed quietly out the door, tracking black footprints all the way home.

So other than the exploding toner cartridge, we had a busy, but pleasant week. I have lots of interesting projects on the go, so work is busy. Jack's hockey team wound up the season with a heartbreaking loss, but a good solid game. Aimee's choir sang with the Symphony yesterday, in a wonderful concert about The Elements. I had no idea they were so good.

And of course, there was the blizzard, which was, as previously confessed, my fault. I must admit I secretly like blizzards and rain storms, even with all the power disruptions. It's a lot easier to enjoy adverse weather when your commute is 15 minutes by foot and you can pointedly ignore the traffic reports. Again, sorry.

At least we live on high ground - and I don't just mean the moral kind - and are relatively dry at the moment. Not sure how or where I'll run this week's nine miles though.

Well we'll see whether karma will pay me back tomorrow - the alarm is set so we can try for front row Jonas Brothers tickets - can't wait!!

Friday, March 06, 2009


I really have nothing to write but feel like I need to spend my time more productively than playing FreeCell and waiting for the kids to go to bed so I can watch inappropriate tv.

I have spring fever. I want a new house. You would think the transition to a new job would satisfy that insatiable need for safe change but I guess since I've had the same hair colour(s) since last fall, I'm overdue. So I'm looking for a new house. No one else in the family is convinced that this is as important as I am, but since no one is willing or motivated to get rid of stuff, we are out of space and I want more. I have never wanted to be "that" girl, who needs more anything, but I do. Sorry.

It's science fair time and as usual I am having trouble controlling my desire to be involved. Lucky for me, Aimee did not understand the Scientific Method, and I had to help her develop an experiment to determine which shooting method gets elastic bands to go the farthest. Jack decided not to do one this year, but he does have a lot of hockey games coming up so it's probably best.

I took the kids to see the Jonas Brothers in 3D today. The music is dreadful, and the band is too young to be fantasy material. But of course, it wasn't for me. It was for the kids. Alas, even Aimee thought it was boring. All it really did for me was to stir up a desire to do something glamorous. I concluded that I am going to do something to become famous and attract a following of adoring fans. It seems my sole marketable talent is writing (and I've missed my chance to become a rock star), so I will have to come up with The Great Canadian Novel (or a series of lucrative but simplistic formula-based beach novels). Unfortunately, it will take some time - I can't commit until my thesis is done, or neither project will ever be completed.

So I will go off to wait for my nail polish to dry, and the kids to go to bed so I can watch Entourage and be self-righteously appalled by the lifestyle (a fraction of which I secretly crave). In the meantime, I will research formula-based smutty romance novels and plan my new career as a "real" writer. Blog and plot suggestions are welcome. Credit will be given of course.