Therapeutic Rambling

This is an attempt to make sense of my life and order of my cluttered mind. It is also intended to be a journal of no particular interest to anyone, a record of events and non-events that occur in my life.

Thursday, September 30, 2004


Today, I was offered a new job. A permanent, full-time position in one of the clinics at Cancer Care. Very cool. Monday to Friday, no evenings, no weekends, no stat holidays. Perfect. When I got back to the treatment room after my "interview", however, one of the other girls told me to kiss my family goodbye. Apparently, the clinic nurses work a lot of overtime. We'll see, I say. Good spinoffs, though: I get to shop for a new wardrobe... they don't wear scrubs in clinic. Woohoo!! Oh, and I get an office (well, a cubicle) with my own computer and own direct phone number. Hooray! It's just what I've always wanted! They wouldn't tell me exactly which clinic or when it would start, due to union rules (whatever), but I'll keep you posted. In any case, I accepted it for better or for worse. It's permanent, and I will never have to work another weekend in my life if I don't want to. How bad could it be(famous last words)?

Tomorrow is the last of my seven day stretch of shifts. It has been a long week, but not horrible, work-wise. Poor Jack, however, has been having a rough time. Too many late nights and not enough mommy. He was pretty sad this morning. More parental guilt: why am I doing this, I asked myself all the way to work. Then, they met me at the bus stop when I got home and he was riding a two-wheeler with hardly any help, and he said he had a fun day. Rotten, I tell you.

And in other news, we are getting closer to signing our lives away on a major kitchen renovation. I plan to diarize (how's that for a snooty word?) the entire process in a new blog, so watch out for Homeowner Hell, coming soon.

Anyway, sorry to my fans if this is a lame post but I am going to snuggle into my little bed and read my book. Goodnight.