Therapeutic Rambling

This is an attempt to make sense of my life and order of my cluttered mind. It is also intended to be a journal of no particular interest to anyone, a record of events and non-events that occur in my life.

Friday, September 24, 2004


The ladder for the bunk beds was found, removed from the bed and propped against the dresser in the closet. I asked Jack why it was there.

"Because I needed to get the costumes down," he said.

"From the top shelf?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

To T, who was with Aimee: "Hey, T, guess what your son did?"

"I can't imagine," he said.

"He took the ladder from the bunk beds and used it to get the costumes off the top shelf in the closet," I said.

T laughed. So did A. "I'm sure you were an accomplice," he said to her.

"A what?" she said.

"You helped him," he replied.

"No," she said indignantly. "I just held the ladder."


Yesterday we had some rain and everything was wet outside. When we were heading out to school, the kids went out ahead of me while I found my keys and got organized. Jack came bursting back in, and exclaimed, "Mom! There's two slugs on the front step, and they're snuggling!" Sure enough, there were two slugs on the front step. I have limited knowledge of the life cycle of slugs, but I'm pretty sure that whatever those two slugs were doing, it wasn't purely platonic.


The other day we were getting ready to go out in the morning and Jack was driving me crazy so I sent him out to bounce on the trampoline. He disappeared, but returned shortly, saying, "Hey mom, the trampoline is all wet. I think it dewed last night!" Say it out loud. It's pretty cute.