Therapeutic Rambling

This is an attempt to make sense of my life and order of my cluttered mind. It is also intended to be a journal of no particular interest to anyone, a record of events and non-events that occur in my life.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Hmmmm..... apparently people other than my family and close friends (those who are required by the ties that bind) read my blog. I have been solicited by someone wanting a favour from "Conservative political blogs". They describe themselves as supporters of Individual Rights... and they want me to link to the blog of a woman who "despises the ACLU". Didn't know I was either Conservative or political. Although I refuse to offer my opinion on the ACLU, and those who despise it, I would prefer if my political leanings were a little less obvious than that. I guess I'll just need to slip off my soapbox and head up to read a trashy novel and defy the stereotype. What else could I do to confuse people about my political leanings? I could buy a hybrid car, a really big one with a huge stereo that interferes with pacemakers in the people in cars near it at red lights. I could go around topless in the summer(... ok maybe not, they're much nicer molded into the perfect shape by structural steel). I could wear gray business suits with hairy legs and Birkenstocks and smoke dope right after church on Sunday, at which I could teach Sunday school (if I could remember anything to teach). I could put all the signs on the lawn at election time and then write "None of the Above" on my ballot (sounds like a good idea, actually). I could advocate for universal birth control chemicals to be added to the water supply and a parenting exam before prospective parents were given the antidote, or tax relief for people willing to support five or more cats. I could read the financial pages like I care (oh, was that an opinion?). Better yet, I could play the stock market and pick wine based on something other that how pretty the label is.

No, I think I prefer the apolitical, boring stories of my kids. It's safer than having committed to a platform and risking the wrath of my fans and constituents if I should change my mind. I don't want to be forced by peer pressure to subscribe to a political principle if I think the person who supports it is an asshole. I reserve the right to be inconsistent. I'm guessing the True supporters of Individual Rights would have to agree with that.